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2019-2020 ODR Season Has Ended

Updated: Oct 30, 2020

We're very sad to say it, but we're ending the outdoor rink season at Bradley Ridge and Patrick Dugas. This last warm spell followed by the heavy snow has made it impossible to recover the ice. By the time the operators could recover the ice, it would just melt again with the upcoming warm temperatures. I just wanted to thank Yves and Chris again for their incredible hard work and dedication to this rink, and to all of you. These guys are AMAZING. The late nights, the cold, the wet+cold, the time away from their families....

They are the true definition of community volunteers. Not only did they give up countless hours of their own time to work at the rink, every night, they also donated their operator grant money from the City to put towards the heated trailers. A big thanks as well to Alex, Jesse, and Elias for coming out to help the operators throughout the season! We hope to have you back again next year, along with some other new recruits. The operators cannot do this alone, they need the help. We have plans to make the season run more smoothly next year, stay tuned for updates if you are interested in getting involved! Another big thanks to our trailer supervisors who were professional, responsible and worked hard helping out at the rink. Finally, a huge thank you to Joel Goyette at Snow Care Works for taking care of the heavy snowfalls at the rinks without compromising the level of service they offer to their customers! And another shoutout to our amazing sponsors for the heated rink trailers and rink maintenance!



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