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BECA and Option 7

Updated: Sep 28, 2019

In 2014, BECA presented the NCC with a report on the impact of traffic on Renaud Road through our community, and the lack of commuter and transit options for South Orleans. We proposed that they consider the extension of Brian Coburn Blvd to Anderson Road. This proposal has developed into Option 7.

See our 2014 proposal here.

The reponse from the NCC to our proposal:

To which BECA responded:

Dear Dr. Kristmanson,

We thank you for taking the time to read and respond to our document regarding Renaud Road, and are pleased to hear that our concerns regarding cut-through traffic on Renaud Road to the Greenbelt are recognized by and shared with the NCC. 

We would like to clarify one point that we believe may have been poorly communicated by us, based on your response regarding the role of the NCC on federal lands.

The stretch of land to which we are referring is within the scope of the NCC: it is the same land on which the future extension to the Blackburn Hamlet Bypass (Brian Coburn) will be constructed from Navan Rd to Innes Rd. However, we are suggesting that this route would better serve the high volumes of east-south commuters if a properly designed road continued straight to the s-curve of Renaud Rd, avoiding the current 3 crossings of Mud Creek and containing the inevitable increasing number of commuters each day.

To further clarify, please see attached document which is the original 1979-1980 environmental study on the Blackburn Hamlet Bypass. Alternative Route E is in fact what we are suggesting would be the most effective to contain this traffic and serve the evident needs of Orleans commuters who lack an acceptable east-south route.

In the meantime, we are working closely with the City to minimize the impact in our community through traffic calming measures, which thus far have been ineffective.

We understand that there will be a meeting between the NCC and our City Councillor Rainer Bloess and that our report may be discussed. We are confident that Councillor Bloess will clarify any outstanding questions. We look forward to hearing the outcome.

Second response from the NCC:



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